Thursday, September 18, 2008

105th Day 4 - The Museum (Cont again)

More on the Museum visit, sorry to bore you all with my snapshots but I tried to limit what I post to only those that I really enjoyed looking at. I enjoyed the hell out of a lot of them. So bare with me while I recap our 2 & 1/2 hour walk.

The Tank Wall was awesome ........ there it was all on one wall a history of design and style of the entire 105 yrs.

The engine wall was again 105 years of HD power plants

Board Track racing was also displayed .......... crazy racing on 2x4's with little protection and no brakes!

A wall of H.O.G. owners along with their rides was also pretty spectacular. Screens randomly turned to video as members talked about their bikes. Pretty Cool.

1 comment:

FLHX_Dave said...

Wow! I can't wait to see that wall of engines! Thanks for the picts. The more I see of the museum the higher it get put on my priority list. I should backhand you for apologizing. Boring?, hell no! This is exactly what I want to see.