Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sturgis Rally # 7 - Old Barn PitchFork Fondue

PitchFork Fondue

OK, so lets see, the last blog on Sturgis was in late January, and it was kind of the reason I started this blog (some 113 posts ago) I have not even finished and in less than 2 days I am heading for Daytona Spring Bike Week (actually I am back from BikeWeek in Daytona as evidenced in my last post - bikers don't use day planners so my scheduling is a little Whack). Who ever called me a lame blogger -- take that!!

Back to Sturgis - I am not sure what day I was on at the rally, so I will just post a picture or two and talk from my fading memory. So here we are during the week at the Buffalo Chip Campground, where we signed up for the pitchfork fondue dinner .... which was a steak cooked in a vat of boiling oil on a pitch fork - hence the name. Served with a salad, a baked potato, and some veggies ... maybe green beans. It was not the best steak I have ever ate but it was pretty OK and a refreshing change; better than a corn dog, Italian sausage or some other form of carnival food.

You can plainly see by the lovely building and dining ambiance what they lacked in decor they made up with cheap beer signs and banners.


Anonymous said...

mmmmm mmmmm pitch fork food.

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally said...

Sturgis South Dakota is the heaven for any bike riders and seriously every bike rider has a dream to visit there. The best opportunity to take part as 2019 Sturgis Bike Week and serve the nation's people.