#1 - The New Street Glide to replace the 2006 StreetGlide. Most who know me will say "Why?" it looks just like what you have. And I would say "Yeah but - it has a larger engine, 6-speed transmission, wider rear tire, stronger frame, clear lens, 6 gallon tank and some other cool stuff, reason enough for me to wish.
# 2 - The 2009 Nightster - this is to replace the deep need in my sole for something lighter and fun for work and around town - and the dark customs appeal to me for some reason - is it the blackness of design? Don't know, don't care - just want one.
So that is it for now, unless a CrossBones catches my eye once more.
dear Santa ........................................................
I like the looks of this cross bones. I saw one recent at F&S Harley.
Curse you! I just got back from the Harley shop...they had two 09 Street Glides...Brother, there are alot of minor changes that make a big difference. That new frame changes alot more than I thought. The prep guy took it out for a ride, and he owns an 08 Glide. When he got back he said the handling just more than a marked difference. I took some pictures. I'll post another whiny bit on it. It's killing me.
....and my wish lit just includes someone to buy my sporty so I can go get my "big girl bike"!
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