Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hunting & Gathering - Fillin' the Feed Bag - OLD SCHOOL SHOPPING

I can not believe I have written so much about a trip to a market. But as the title says, this is OLD SCHOOL shopping at it's finest. OK - so this is not Hunting & Gathering like in the movie "10,000 BC" where we head out to capture the Great and illusive Woolly Mammoth (great flick b-t-w) but it is as rustic shopping as I have been lately.

This weekend (unlike last) we had a game plan: Cooler in trunk - check, Loaded with Ice - check, 3 large cloth shopping bags with sturdy straps - check, Ready for some serious grub hauling - check. Battery in camera fully charged - check. Empty stomach for mornings graze - check - we are off.As mentioned our plan included grazing our way through the market selecting the perfect mix of ethnic foods to appease the appetite (preventing us from spending to much on everything else) We were after all hunting for the perfect items, stalking the perfect items for the next week's meals.
aaaahhhhh - pork as in HOG - as in the other gray meat, Bacon, Beef Steak, Fish - Snapper (filleted while we shopped) Veggies, Fruits, Spices - from every country imaginable.Banana Nutella - Crepe / Strawberry, Blueberry - Crepe / Chicken, Cheese, Caramelized Onion - Empanada / Coffee / Soda / Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Stadium mustard on hard roll. All consumed at the market. Ahhhhhhh happiness!!

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